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Sunday, 17 April 2011


    Our ministry had some rough times last year and it seemed better times again more recently - the last few days there have been whispers of various troubles brewing.  I was in our Palm Sunday evening service praying about this tonight - not knowing what the future holds.  I realized that our ups and downs are really minor in the big scope of things.  This week (2000 yrs ago) was truly dramatic for the disciples.  They went from the Triumphal Entry to the Crucifixion to the Resurrection in a week - talk about your ups and downs! 
    I am certain the disciples were giddy with excitement when the crowds welcomed Jesus as the rightful King of the Jews.  I am sure that along with the crowds, they were hoping that Jesus would drive out the Romans and right everything that was wrong.  Perhaps that made it that much easier to run away when Jesus was arrested and tried.  Why was he just letting this happen?  From mountain top experience to the valley of the shadow of death in a week - it was more than they could handle. 
    Not so with Jesus, he was as steady as a rock.  Jesus was not caught up in the hype of the elevation coming from a crowd that would bless him one day and condemn him another.  He accepted the praise of those who were genuine but it didn't change his direction and plan.  In fact, just before this welcoming, he is weeping over Jerusalem - knowing that they didn’t really get it.  He even tempers their celebration of waving victory palms by riding in, not a horse - a sign of a conquering king, but instead a meek colt of a donkey.  In the same way, later, in the greatest trial he did not despair but set himself on God’s will even when it meant betrayal to a terrible death.
    Many times in the Old Testament God is referred to as the Rock- a fortress, unmovable, unshakable.  It is a divine attribute of God - He doesn’t change.  He is above time and circumstance- everything is under His control.  He isn’t waiting for things to get better or wondering when they might get worse.  Peter tells us that Jesus is the Living Stone and we too are to be living stones built to be God’s house (1Peter 2:4-5).  Jesus tells us to build our lives on this Rock in talking about the wise and the foolish builders (Mat 7:24).
    It is easy to ride the waves of good times and then be crashed down by the next trial.  When we build our lives on Jesus, the Rock, we will not be so easily taken up and down by the waves of life.  Jesus kept the goal of God’s will steadily in mind.   Yes, we rejoice in God’s blessings but our faith is not built on them and can’t rely on them (just look at Job).  Similarly, when we have trials we cry out to God, but it doesn’t shake our faith - we just hold tighter to the Rock. 
    So there in the quite of that service I just prayed, “God - I am small.  I don’t know what will happen in the next minute, let alone tomorrow.  Whether it is a time of refreshing or time of trial - I trust it all to you.  Help me show Your character no matter what comes and through it all may You be glorified and people see who You are.  You are the Rock - the unchanging one.  Let my life be built on You.” 
    I don’t know what is happening in your life today, but I trust that you are building your life on the one true foundation - Jesus the Rock of our Salvation.  Have a great Palm Sunday!


  1. Wanda and I enjoy all your blogs. Thanks for sharing your insights with us.
    Bob Lindsay

  2. "steady as a rock" . . . I'm so thankful He is that and so much more. The title of your blog is so fitting for the chaotic days we're living in!

    I've always enjoyed your email messages, and I know your blog will be a blessing to many. God bless you and your beautiful family!
